Is Making a Fake Obituary ⚰ ILLEGAL❓

Faking your Death Using a Fake Obituary ⚱ is Legal Unless the Fake Obit is Used to Sidestep a Legal Obligation

The question of whether or not creating a fake obituary online is legal or illegal is a question that most people assume the answer to Is yes simply because something about creating a fake obituary feels illegal, or at the very least, immoral.

Despite these feelings however, in most instances and in most places around the world, creating a fake obituary and even publishing and syndicating that fake obituary is NOT illegal at all unless you are using the fake obituary to get out of something related to the law, for example if you're creating a fake obituary to evade legal responsibility such as using a fake obituary to avoid paying taxes, etc.

Faking a Fake Obituary ⚱ IS Legal 🚔 Unless Created to Side Step the Law

A few perfectly legal example uses of a fake obituary is if you are creating your fake obituary to try to shake off someone who is harassing you, like an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend, and they won't leave you alone, or if you're creating a fake obituary to get time off from work, using a fake obituary for these purposes is not illegal in any way.

Just to be safe, before you order a fake obituary, check with your local laws just to be one hundred percent safe however using and creating a fake obituary anywhere within the United States is not illegal unless, as previously mentioned, that fake obituary is used to get out of some sort of legal responsibility.

Reasons to Make a Fake Obituary that Won't Put you in Jail

Here are some useful reasons to create a fake obituary that are 100% within the law in most locations around the world:

The only way or reason a fake obituary could get you in trouble with the authorities is if you are using the faking obituary that has something to do with the law.

Here are a few examples of creating a fake obituary that ARE against the law in most countries and most state in the United States:

Most of the time you can just use common sense to think for yourself if your intended use of a fake obituary is legal or not. If you are unsure, either contact us or your local authorities and ask.

If you have ANY questions about your fake obituary and what we do, please, do not hesitate to call us immediately and/or fill out this order fake obituary form.